The Packaging Guideline covers four (4) categories of packaging material streams namely metals, glass, paper and plastics. The main purpose of this Packaging Guideline is to reduce the volume of packaging ending up in landfill sites by improving product design, increasing quality of production practices and promoting waste prevention. One of the key objectives of this Packaging Guideline is to assist designers in all forms of packaging with a better understanding of the environmental implications of their design decisions, thus promoting good environmental practices without restricting choice.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) Milk and Beverage Bottle Research
In 2019, Polyco conducted research into the recycling rate of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) milk and beverage bottles, with a finding that more than 75% of these milk and beverage bottles were recycled, injecting a significant amount of material back into the market to be used as a raw material for new products. The research shows that HDPE milk bottles are designed perfectly for recyclability and have a high market value to be used for recyclate. This proves that driving the right design for recyclability is a key focus area to further grow the recycling economy.
Polypropylene (PP) Tub Research
In 2020, Polyco initiated research to understand the current re-use/repurpose and recycling rates of used Polypropylene (PP) packaging tubs in South Africa, specifically yoghurt, ice-cream and butter/margarine tubs. The intention of this research was to understand whether this packaging is being re-used (repurposed) , recycled or discarded and what design elements industry can change or implement in order to make the packaging more likely to be re-used/repurposed by consumers.